
I tend to speak my mind better through words of non-lies. :) | (: Read in between the lines for a better understanding, not morals.

March 28, 2010

scrolling through blogs.

So, not too long ago, I was scrolling through blogs... I came across one that stood out.

In her "About Me" it said that she lost her husband to suicide in 2006. I feel sorry for her. (If you start scrolling through blogs and happen to see this post, I'm sorry if it offends you.) I mean... That's a big thing, losing a wife or husband to suicide - or even just murder, rape, car crashes, or just about anything. I've never really had anything like that happen to me. A few of my friends have lost family members or friends to suicide or overdosing on drugs. It's not a good feeling either... /:

One month after my mom and step father divorced, all I wanted was things to get better. My great-great uncle Carl Karcher (founder of Carl's Jr.) passed away... That same day, a really close friend of mine tried committing suicide. I had never been in that kind of situation before, and it was already hard on me as it is with what he was telling me. I tried to tell myself it wasn't as bad as he was saying it was (we had been texting) but when I got to his house, that was just horrible. There was all this blood over the bathroom floor, like he had told me. I cried more than I knew I was capable of. He meant a lot to me and I wasn't going to lose him like that. His arms were pretty messed up from cutting himself. Luckily, I was able to get all the blood to slow down and wrapped his arms with some gauze. Even though I had to go home later that night, I wouldn't let him stay up later than me. I fell asleep before he did, but I kept waking up every couple minutes from the nightmares of it all. I'd start freaking out and text him like crazy to make sure he was still alive. Eighth grade was a crazy year...

This year, 2010, has barely even begun. In January, however, I saved another person's life- my ex boyfriend's. I shouldn't have had anything to do with him after all the horrible stuff he put me through, but I was there for him in his time of need. He had threatened me with the usage of drugs with the "money he didn't waste on me." Later that night, he decided to cut himself. I got him to wash the cuts and apply pressure to them to stop the bleeding. A few days later, a school counselor found out, he was sent to rehab. He returned after about a week and a half. He still does drugs. I stopped being his friend and giving him the satisfaction of hurting me.

I haven't seen the movie yet, or read the book, but you should at least see the movie. Take someone you care about and go see "To Save A Life." One little thing can change a person's life. And some people... are just dying to be heard.

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